S is for Slow

{My A to Z Challenge for 2013 has the cool theme of being chronically ill. It’s going to be fun, so stick around!}


S is for Slow

It’s kinda like everything about Lyme disease is slow. It’s slows you down. It’s often slow to be diagnosed, I’m slow at figuring it out. And, it’s a long, slow process to regain health. 
It’s slow, but it’s worth it.
I’d rather talk about you today though. I’ve had enough Lyme disease talk for now… So, what’s up?

2 thoughts on “S is for Slow

  1. Anonymous says:

    This challenge really makes you focus on it a bit, doesn't it?
    Well, I've been reading some inspiring poetry today and trying to think positive thoughts. I only have ten days left in Camp Nanowrimo and I need to write 13k. I CAN do it, I know, it's just the desire. But I am feeling better about it.
    I have my own small health issue going on right now, and it's really bothering me, but despite that, I am good.
    Are you back from Hawaii now? 🙂



  2. Sarah Rudolph says:

    I am still doing my poetry challenge, I've had some inspiration lately so it's been fun to write. Yesterday I sat on our roof overlooking coffee trees and wrote, that was fun.

    Have a good day.



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